Annual financial reports

Ending Strong After a Year of Hard Work

Here’s what we offer at IFS Finance:

  • The preparation of the annual report and the corporate income tax return
  • Discussing the annual accounts
  • Identifying areas of improvement
  • Drafting the financial report for the Chamber of Commerce
  • Presenting the annual accounts at the shareholders' meeting
  • Providing entrepreneurial advice based on the annual accounts

Closing the Fiscal Year and Ready for Q1

Your controller, your accountant, your tax advisor

The annual financial statement is the formal conclusion of a fiscal year. Was it a good year? Better than the previous year? What are the goals for next year? Drafting the annual financial statement involves strict guidelines and legal requirements. Because it needs to be done meticulously, it takes a lot of time and there's a real chance of error. The formal conclusion provides us with insight into the past year and where potential improvements in business operations need to be made.

"Peace in my financial administration enables me to create a stir with my business."

IFS Finance Saves You Time and Money

Your controller, your accountant, your tax advisor

Drafting an annual financial statement is a significant task and consumes a lot of time and money because you need to allocate personnel to it. These additional personnel costs can impact your profits. Quite a waste of all that hard work. At IFS, we say, 'the journey to the annual financial statement is even more important than the statement itself.' Throughout the year, we work towards the end of the fiscal year so that the annual financial statement is a logical outcome of the administered accounts.

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Insight & planning

We can't predict what the future holds, but we can make an estimation. With our special step-by-step plan: Plan - Do - Act - Check, we outline where we want to go and how to get there.

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Contact us, no obligations

At IFS Finance, you always have a fixed contact person. They understand your business and the industry you operate in. Contact us free of obligation, and we'll call you soon for:

  • A brief introduction
  • Answers to your questions
  • A price estimate
  • A follow-up appointment